18 may 2011

Reiki Method

This method was developed by Japanese Mikao Usui after a long and successful research work in 1920.
This technique does not have contraindications, and it is open to all beliefs, so everybody can gain access to it.
The hands of those who learn Reiki, become channels through which the natural energy that surrounds us all flows. This energy gives us life, and maintains our own vitality without losing it or absorbing anything from the person we treat.
Reiki is for those who live step by step, one day at a time. It aims at helping us feel fine and in harmony with ourselves and others, to keep ourselves young, to attract the positive and live a life without restrictions.
It is simple, practical, effective and natural – such is the Japanese technique of Reiki.
Welcome to learn about it!

News from the Sky

by Aldo Hugo Olguin 
Prof. of Mathematics, Physics and Cosmography 

The light on the surface of our planet changes throughout the year as the Earth revolves around the Sun. This motion produces the different seasons, each one with its own characteristics. March 21st begins a new fall in our hemisphere, and a new spring in the northern hemisphere. On that day, the rays of the sun fall vertically on the Equator, and illuminate both hemispheres equally. There are 12 hours of darkness and 12 hours of daylight on Earth.
But, does only light come from the sun? Man has investigated this star and its influence on the interplanetary medium since Galileo’s times, about 400 years ago, when he warned us of the fact that the visible face of the Sun was not as pristine as it was once thought. Galileo explained that the sun presented dark spots that were visible to the naked eye when the Sun was near the horizon. Today we talk about SPACE WEATHER to point to the set of phenomena and interactions that take place in the interplanetary medium. This is mainly regulated by the activity that originates in the Sun, which affects both satellites and planets.
Geomagnetic storms that occur as a result of solar activity also influence the different forms of life. In Figure 1 (total solar eclipse), we see that the moon (the black circle) covers the solar disk, from where the light we receive from the Sun comes (the solar photosphere), and thus the irregular-shaped outer layer becomes visible (the solar corona). It is from this place that high-energy radiation comes from, as well as the huge bursts of hot plasma which is accelerated by the pressure of solar radiation into interplanetary space. These coronal mass ejections (Fig. 2) could, at some point, reach and penetrate the Earth's magnetic field, thus producing high-intensity currents in power lines, and leaving them unused in a few seconds - with the consequences this would bring to a highly technified society.
In 1859 a storm of this type put out of service the recently opened telegraph lines.
The NASA twin STEREO probes  (Fig. 3) are currently photographing the Sun in three dimensions and monitoring the turbulent activity on its surface to predict the weather in space, as well as to record storms heading to different planets.

Our question: Can man take this gigantic energy for the benefit of mankind in the near future? This will certainly be the greatest challenge for those who inhabit the Planet Earth.
Enjoy fall as much as spring!

Cultural Exchanges

by Paola Irastorza
Guía Hueney Editor-in-chief 

With a few words, and some pictures, I would like to round off what the Cuban artist, Jose Pomelapocha, expressed in relation to San Luis artists’ feelings towards the recognition awarded in one of the best developed countries  in the field of commercial circuits favouring artists.
It is worth mentioning that last February 12th, we, the participants of Guia Hueney Art Walk (artists, supporters, columnists and friends), met to enjoy art, culture and tourism shows offered by Guia Hueney. Certificates and acknowledgements were handed out to all those who supported the memorable adventure of showing the potential of San Luis abroad.

The Suyai Institute

The Suyai Institute encourages the education of coexistence, where there is no room for violence or lack of respect. Instead, solidarity, tolerance and civic conduct are highly fostered.
Students who attend our school can access to an egalitarian education, where diverse thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, capacities and abilities are catered for. This way, communication between teachers and students is guaranteed, which implies the acknowledgement of each student as a unique person with his/her own evolutionary time and capacities.
The institutional line of teaching is characterized by a permanent stimulus to knowledge acquisition (conceptual content), knowledge of how to do it (procedural content) and knowledge of being (integration of the above- mentioned contents to complete the instruction)
To create an environment that will improve the teaching-learning process by fostering the integral development of the student, the teacher and the parents within the framework provided by actions intended for complementing and specifying their knowledge and responsibilities.
To build – together with the educational community – an environment which will allow students to walk the path of learning in an environment of freedom, safety and motivation; thus, contributing to the building of a school identity.

The importance of used oil

by Lorena Avila Cantisani 
Correspondent in Spain 

Used cooking oil can have a second life if we recycle it to make new products, such as biodiesel or soap. Used oil is a residue produced daily in most households. A family of four is capable of generating between 18 and 24 liters of used oil annually. A common action to dispose of this waste is throwing it down the drain, but this has a negative impact on the environment. The right thing to do is to collect all used oil in a plastic container and place it in a storing spot for this type of waste.
When you pour used cooking oil down the sink drain, there is a risk of blocking the pipes. Fat cools down and adheres to the walls of the ducts, which acts as a sticker for other residues, forming a plug and preventing water from flowing freely.
Due to the fact that the process of separating fats and oils - performed in water treatment plants - is complicated and expensive, most oil ends up being wasted into the wrong places, such as rivers. There, oil can form a superficial film which prevents water from oxygenating, since gas exchange with the atmosphere is hindered. In addition, it adheres to the skin of fish, which alters their breathing capacity.
Currently, in Spain, the Green Spots (or storing spots) have a reception desk for all types of waste, including domestic oil. And there are several municipalities that have special containers around the city. If you do not have a service like this where you live, the least harmful thing you can do with used oil is to pour it into a plastic bottle and throw it away with other types of waste. As a biodegradable material, it will eventually end up as grass, since microorganisms will decompose it and integrate it into the natural cycle of matter. Another choice to get rid of used oil is to reuse it in the production of soap, a simple recipe affordable for any consumer.

Recipe: Recycling used oil to make homemade soap.
The first step is to filter oil in order to remove impurities and solid waste. Pour 125 ml of cooking oil with 100 ml of water into a large bowl and beat the blend until it turns into a cream. Then add 20 grams of lye and stir gently for half an hour, or the time it takes to form a rubbery, thick mixture. Lye can be purchased at any drugstore, and must be handled carefully. Use protective gloves: lye is a highly corrosive substance.
You can add some essential oil or fabric softener to improve the aroma of the finished soap. The mixture will be hot after adding lye, so let it cool down until the next day. Once cold, the resulting solid mass can be cut into soap bars.
This type of soap is very useful for washing clothes and dishes, rather than as body soap because its pH is not controlled.
In Argentina there are many business and industrial sites that sell and buy used oil. Some restaurant owners and ordinary citizens buy the services offered by these companies to collect used oil into suitable sealed containers that are periodically removed.
Wherever you live, if you will not immediately take used oil to a recycling center, never store it in empty food, beverage or chemical containers. Make sure the container is clean and clearly labeled "Used Oil" ("Used Oil.").
Remember that environmental quality is everybody's business, and we can all help.

Solidifying oil
An option for better handling of oil, either to take it to a collection spot or to throw it away, is to use a solidifying product that is added to the pan when oil is still hot. In about an hour, oil will become a solid stuff which you can easily grab.
On the other hand, domestic oil can be processed for the production of biodiesel. This involves, among other actions, filtering and adding substances that improve combustion in diesel engines, which do not require any alterations to run on this fuel. In addition, biodiesel is not toxic; it is biodegradable and produces fewer pollutants than traditional diesel. It is a clean, renewable fuel.