24 dic 2010

San Luis - Argentina

Province located in central Argentina, with over 450,000 inhabitants, and an area of 76,748 km ². It was originally inhabited by various indigenous groups.
Founded on August 25th, 1594, as "San Luis de Loyola Nueva Medina de Río Seco", its geography is characterized by a mountainous landscape to the North, with varying heights (the Agua Hedionda hill is the highest in the province, with 2,150 meters), and a flat landscape, with many lakes, to the South.
San Luis has all climates, with an average annual temperature of 17 ° C, a winter mean temperature of 8 ° C, and 24 ° C in summer. Rains occur mainly in summer. In winter, precipitations are rare, but it may snow at any height, creating stunning landscapes.
The mountain is where many streams and rivers are born. More than 10 dams that supply water for irrigation and human consumption (San Felipe, Cruz de Piedra, La Florida, La Huertita, Potrero de los Funes, Paso de las Carretas Antonio Esteban Agüero, Nogolí, Luján, Villa General Roca) collect water from these streams and rivers.
San Luis native flora includes carob tree, white carob tree, Tintitaco, Caldén, Molle, Peje, Jarilla, Chana,  Aromo or Espinillo, Brea, Cortadera  and Retama. Several of them are endangered. Native fauna features pampas deer (endangered), Skunk, Herons, Male Red Brocket Deer (Mazama americana), Rhea, Creole Hare, Cougar, Fox, Rabbit, Mulitas, Peccary, Partridge, Biguá, Moorhen,  Condor, Weasel, and colorful songbirds.
San Luis is a wonderful natural tourist center, which offers hot springs, salt marshes, abundant fisheries, minerals such as onyx marble, limestone, and slate. There are also cave paintings in the National Park of Las Quijadas, where there is also clear evidence of dinosaurs’ habitat; San Luis has a very special microclimate characterized by high negative air ionization, with a high content of ozone - among other attractions - whose comfortable highways make it easier to visit.

22 dic 2010

We show our Art

We are organizing this art exhibition for the third consecutive year with the aim of promoting San Luis art expressions, like painting, sculpture, literature, music, dance and other related activities.
This 2010 we have the joy of having been invited to CulTurAr Havana, an international event, which gathers representatives from Spanish-speaking countries in order to talk about Art, Culture and Tourism, three of the guidelines of this magazine. We travel in November with an excellent sampler of San Luis works.
Upon returning, we will all gather to deliver certificates for those who participated in CulTurAr, and to report on the experience of making our culture known to other countries, which will mark the importance of this event and the importance of showing works by the participating artists.


More than words ...
This magazine - which I have been managing for more than four years - is alive thanks to the effort and love of its columnists, advertisers and readers, who rely on it as a project that goes beyond communication. Hueney shows Art, Culture and Tourism expressions in different ways, from San Luis to the rest of the country, and to the world. As I always say, making Hueney is possible because people around me are good and noble. Those who are not, exclude themselves from this project, and it is always the best they can do.
We have promoted concrete and effective actions since 2006. One of them has been the 2009 Art Walk, held in Potrero de los Funes. The Art Walk adopted the former scenic overlook as a permanent exhibition spot for artists and artisans. We have traveled around the country to make San Luis known (Córdoba, La Pampa, Buenos Aires, Río Negro, Chubut and Santa Fe). This month, we will be showing San Luis in Cuba.

We are read in Lebanon thanks to Ms. Greta Tawil, we are also read in English-speaking countries, thanks to the translations of Graciela Lucero Arrúa. We also have a very good response in Spain, through Inspiraction and our excellent correspondent, Lorena Avila Cantisani.
We have worked and put forward proposals and projects related to the promotion of our natural attractions. We have conducted projects aimed at benefitting the inhabitants of mountain villages together with Camtur and Foapra. We have taken part in meetings and supported environmental actions for the protection of native forests in San Luis and the country. The Act that protects the glaciers was passed thanks to our participation in the actions conducted by Greenpeace. We have also been part of Inspiraction’s initiative aimed at the relief of the external debt for Haiti, destroyed by an earthquake. We have investigated and reported the failures and losses that the careless passing of the Act that will force us to use low-energy lamps (National Act No. 26,473) will bring for consumers. We have reported the deforestation of the Natural Protected Area "Parque Nativo" (Native Park), and have submitted a sustainable development proposal. We have also conducted multiple drawings for products and services which promote San Luis.
Guía Hueney, together with Camtur, was considered one of the best representatives of Potrero de los Funes in tourism and communication matters by students of the School of Tourism and Communication from the National University of Córdoba, who conducted a field research work on this issue. Likewise, in our province, we collaborate with students of the Teaching Program on Physical Education from  IFDC (Institute for Higher Learning)
"Juan Pascual Pringles".

Hueney is much more than words ... it is the sum of concrete actions that we perform independently, with no subsidies whatsoever. Hueney is only possible thanks to those who trust me and Hueney as a project.
Season’s greetings to everyone. I wish 2011 will be a better year, full of success and happiness.  

I give you as a present a sentence I always say:
“It is worth saving love rather than bitterness  because it is the only thing we will take with us when we die”.

Rights and Disability

The "Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities" is the first declaration of human rights of the XXI century.
Why should we all know it?
Because it is intended to safeguard the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. It is embedded within what is known as positive law, which means that the rights comprising the Convention must be observed, it requires a "paradigm shift" in attitudes and approaches towards people with disabilities, and it sees the social construction of disability as involving us all.
While there is vast and extensive legislation on these rights, they are not always respected. The Convention is a legally binding universal standard, and it requires each of the State Parties to fulfill their obligations. When the Republic of Argentina ratified the Convention in 2008 (by National Act No. 26378), it accepted the legal obligations the country is responsible for, in order to adopt and issue the appropriate legislation aimed at enforcing the law in all the areas of application.
In everyday life, the Convention promotes the development, dissemination and awareness of the concept of disability, which triggers society’s commitment to make contributions from all sectors, building less restrictive, hindering and limiting environments. It is important to remember that the greater the obstacle, the greater the disability status of the individual. In this sense, the existing places of knowledge construction, such as schools, universities, training institutes, colleges, related organizations, etc. are making people aware of the fact that disability is a changing, dynamic, relational state built by the individual’s conditions and the environment’s possibilities. This new concept contradicts traditional concepts of disability based on lack and deprivation.
The idea is clear for us today.  But is it really clear that disability is not a disease, that it is not a product of poverty or sexual perversion, that disability does not belong to a particular social group, that disability is not the result of divine punishment, or that families are not atoning for sins, nor paying debts?
The law states that a person is always and above all, a person, even before his or her disability status, i.e. "a person with disabilities, or at risk of disability". However, we can still find those who refer to them by saying, the CP (meaning person with cerebral palsy) the DOWN (meaning person with Down syndrome). These aspects will improve as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is known and implemented in the various sectors of our society.
Returning to their importance in everyday life, it is noteworthy that there have been countless verdicts of the national justice based on the effective implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which recognize and order to enforce their rights in health, education, leisure and work, among other areas. Again, find out! Get informed! "If you do not know your rights, you can hardly claim them"

For further information, visit the following websites:



News from the sky
The sky has always been a source of inspiration for mankind. Observing it has represented the essential principle in the development of scientific thought of all civilizations. Its breathtaking beauty is the result of the interaction between light coming from the universe and the Earth's atmosphere. 
Today, the quality of the sky is affected by artificial lighting, which damages ecosystems and degrades the sky landscape. It is necessary to stop these effects and restore the true night, protecting darkness as a cultural and environmental right, establishing the culture of artificial lighting more efficiently and rationaly with the awareness that "everything is linked to everything” on this planet. 
The sky, our common and universal heritage, is an integral part of the environment as perceived by humanity. Future generations are entitled to an Earth with a clear sky in support of humanity’s history, culture, and social bonds that make each generation and each individual member part of one human family. Three decades ago, the sky of San Luis was among the cleanest in the country. 
November at a glance: 
- On the evening of day 15, the Moon will be very near the bright planet, Jupiter, high in the sky. 
-On the evening of day 21, the full moon emerges from the horizon to the side of a very bright star cluster known as the Seven Sisters, Seven kids or Pleiades. 
December at a glance: 
On the13th day, after midnight we can enjoy a beautiful meteor shower just by looking to the east, at medium height. 
At dawn, the night of Dec. 21st, when summer begins in our hemisphere, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse. Watch the Moon after three in the morning and enjoy the eclipse; the Moon will pass by the shade that the earth projects into space. 
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


"My San Luis" 
These images will also be part of San Luis presentation in Cuba. They belong to LOM, an amateur photographer who enjoys observing and recording San Luis’ many beauties. He travels around San Luis province in search of the best landscapes trying to capture them in their natural essence; this is the reason why he chooses not to modify those images.

Native plants

In addition to its originality, native plants bring local communities  great advantages, namely: cultural identity, close relationship to biodiversity and ecosystems; they can also be used as medicines (bark and roots), food (fruits), textile stuff ( fiber) and wood in different applications. 
The current use of native plants in our country is not significant enough because many of them -the most important ones - were treacherously eradicated throughout years of deforestation. However, it is possible to observe well-preserved natural landscapes in the south due to water quality, soil and air, and protective actions. In other forest areas there are high-value species that have evolved under low water availability, semi-arid soils and climate. These plants are vulnerable or are endangered, so they deserve to be protected. 
The native flora of our country, nevertheless, remains rich and varied. It is possible to find friendly animals that pollinate them and others that regulate their growth, reproduction and multiplication by eating them. 
Some native plants like Ceibo (Erythrina crista galli), White Algarrobo (Prosopis alba), Creole Sauce (Salix humboldtiana) and creosote bush (also called carrier’s money) have curative properties,  they are desirable species to grow a park. 
Native plants make our parks beautiful, and help us raise awareness of the need for their conservation. But they also reassess their presence as our own plants. By knowing their origin and characteristics, they can be combined with other species. 
Let’s work on that. 

"Roba Amiga”- Textile Waste

The word "Roba" in Valencian language, means clothing. This textile waste management plan, under the program "Roba Amiga” (friendly clothing), responds to basic social and environmental objectives, which have an impact both locally and globally. The collection (taking) and recovery of waste for re-entry into the market has traditionally been an activity carried out by social organizations that have turned this into an innovative occupation aimed at the inclusion of people at social risk. The growth of this activity and its consolidation in the market have created a new business  called the Third Sector. Roba Amiga is a program of Un Sol Mon Foundation, which belongs to the Charity Society Caixa Catalunya, whose aim is to consolidate and strengthen the work of social organizations devoted to the socio-professional insertion of people at risk of social exclusion. This program was created in 2002,  and it has enabled the creation of more than 40 job posts in all the social entities in charge of the organisation’s management, and employs more than 200 people. The actions and lines of intervention focus on the collection of used clothing  for recovery and retailing, as well as for export, recycling, and social awareness. 
The Rastrel Association is a nonprofit group founded in early 1983 in the city of Valencia which was initially promoted by a group of Christian Communities. This “junkman” work gained society’s recognition over time. It is mainly concerned with the home collection and handling of bulky waste, furniture, appliances, clothing, ferrous metals, etc. At present the Association is composed of thirteen people in stable employment situation, and a group of collaborators who make it possible to continue. One of the Association’s objectives is the creation of new jobs for people with social and work insertion problems. The jobs focus on second hand recycling . 
Similar activities take place in Argentina with an eye on ecology. The tendency is to reuse clothes, as well as shoes and furniture, which are displayed at fairs or markets. At some sewing workshops,  there are more items every day, shoemakers gain more visibility; they ideally fix everything and give the items a personal touch. 
This activity was born many decades ago, but became stronger in the '70s as a fashion for a specific group of people, and it then spread with American fairs and "vintage fashion” shops. 
The phenomenon, that began in Europe and especially in England, spread around the world. In Argentina, more and more people adopt it, some in order to save, others to be original, and others because they value unique garments. Today, social insertion companies have become a strategic agent of transformation of our society. Through their work, they promote values such as social, environmental and economic sustainability. They are therefore a landmark in terms of environmental dissemination and promotion: Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. 
Container of "Roba Amiga" in Valencia streets
- Spain. These people leave the clothes  they no longer wear. Associations are responsible for removing them, cleaning them and mending them. After that, they are taken to “Moda Amiga” shop networks, which sell them. 

Food safety

Those who justify deforestation to expand the agricultural frontier claim that this is done to produce more food. 

However, a recent report by FAO (UN Food and Agriculture) and the World Food Program, reveals that the number of people who do not have "anything to eat," is growing. These figures are the worst in the past 40 years worldwide. 
Every October 16th the World Food Day is celebrated. This date was established in 1979 by FAO. This year, with the slogan "United Against Hunger", FAO seeks to raise awareness of the magnitude of the problem and draw attention to the importance of food security for all. 
What's happening in Argentina? The UN reported that our country produces 1.61% of meat and 1.51% of the world's grain, amount of food, whicht would be enough to feed 400 million people. It is therefore unacceptable that more than 5 million Argentines suffer from food shortage. 
The meager households incomes do not allow access to the basic food basket. This situation worsens with inflation and the  ever-present speculation, which causes unwarranted price hikes. 
Some argue that countries experiencing an increase in food prices should remember that food is necessarily a matter of national security, because if people lose the ability to get food, they are likely to be at the mercy of the speculative global market, and at the expense of those who produce commodities and condition production in favor of  their own interests. 
 "Food sovereignty" and "food security" are phrases people speak about almost secretly, and little is told about what these phrases mean. To retrace the path, we should ask those who govern the State (national and provincial): what is being done from that  place to favor the return of small and medium local economies, as well as to support them? What is being done for these economies suffocated by large corporations that use natural resources at their will, without protecting the environment? What is being done in the face of this situation, which results in the increasing exodus of farmers, and which involves the dismantling of regional economies? 
It is possible to observe how the government itself in the province of San Luis has set the conditions to facilitate the arrival of investors in the agricultural sector. First, the legislation on Land Management of Native Forests in this jurisdiction was adapted, pretending to comply with the current national law, declaring the two zones with the biggest wooded area as "High Agricultural Productivity" just because it is possible to have water for irrigation in surface and / or underground (but which it would cause more deforestation). 
After this was done senior provincial officials started a built strong bonds with potential investors in the agricultural sector. They were received by government authorities, and were certainly offered big tax benefits. Meanwhile, more and more small and medium farmers settled since ancient times in San Luis are being pushed out. Those farmers work the land themselves, they are the only ones who place value on knowledge of family farming, and highlight the appropriate use of ancestral genetic resource. Native seeds give value to the family farm, and constitute the backbone for the construction of sovereignty and food security.

TIPS: wash fruits and vegetables before eating them, let them rest in water with a few tablespoons of vinegar for a while. Then rinse.
The return to the organic garden is the healthiest and most economical practice for your home and family.